One of those Mornings . . .

Yeah it was one of those mornings. I awoke to a beautiful sunny morning. Brushed my teeth and washed my face, brushed my hair, put food in Diva’s (my dog) dish and got the water filling for her water dish.

My cup was placed under the spout for the coffee machine, pod placed and button pushed. I went back to the sink to get the water, filled Diva’s water dish with fresh water and glanced at the coffee maker.

What the ??!!??

It only filled about a tsp of coffee and then stopped. Well, you know the old saying . . . Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Yeah, that was me.

Maybe I needed to change the water. Done


Maybe it was the filter. Done


Maybe if I turn it off and back on again. Done


Okay, maybe a new pod. Done


Alas, my coffee maker had made it’s last cup yesterday. Cue the bugle, cue taps. After 7 years it finally died. Unplug the machine and emptied the water reservoir. Placed it carefully in a bag and readied it for the discard pile.

Dear, dear coffee maker. It had served me well almost daily. Fresh brewed coffee at the push of a button. Ready to drink in about a minute or so. I could even have iced coffee if desired. I shall miss you friend.
I know by experience that I need that coffee. It was only 7:30 but if I wait too long the lack of caffeine will awaken a dreaded headache. One unabated and untouchable until caffein is coursing through my body. Yes, I will admit my addiction to coffee. I simply and unabashedly love it.

I dressed quickly and drove to the nearest drive thru coffee dispenser (Dunkin Donuts). My order for 2 large coffees was ready and waiting for me. Ahhhh, it tasted so good.

Soon I opened my garaged door, arrived home and began my search for a new coffee maker. Wow, have they changed since I last purchased one. Many, many choices available for my favorite beverage. Latte makers, cappuccino makers, iced coffee and tea makers. Oh my, decisions decisions.

After careful perusal and research, I found the one I wanted. Next question, where to purchase. After all, I would need a cup of coffee to start my day tomorrow. No luck with Amazon, Instacart, or Shipt all home delivery companies. None available for delivery until sometime on Monday afternoon or later in the week.

Hey, some stores have curbside pickup. I tried those. One store had my preferred item in stock. Awesome. It was ordered. The only thing left was to get the email that it’s ready. The first confirmation said that it would be ready by 8pm.

I bided my time and did things around the house to keep my mind from wondering when the email would arrive to say “come on down”! A couple of loads of laundry later, I heard the ding signifying an email. Could it be?

YES! My order is ready for pickup! I gave my dog Diva a treat, grabbed my purse and headed out the door. Well, if I’m going to be out, I might as well gas up my car too. I parked in a designated spot for curbside pickup and called the phone number. Success, a few minutes later, my box was delivered and put into my back seat. Wonderful.

Once home I unpacked the new coffee maker, washed out the water receptacle and set it up for service. It was all set for the next morning.

My alarm went off and I repeated the morning process of yesterday, teeth, hair, Diva’s food etc. I placed my cup in the proper place for optimal coffee delivery and waited. Ahhhh, the wonderful smell of fresher brewed coffee wafted through the air.

Properly stated with caffeine, I am ready for the day.

Enjoy your day too

Frances Graziano Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved

2 thoughts on “One of those Mornings . . .

  1. My favorite author is back!! After reading this, I am heading to the kitchen to grab another cup of coffee. Great writing!!

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