Halloween, the day when costumes are donned for the trek around the neighborhood to ask for free candy. I don’t mind the little kids with their Princess, Ninja Turtle, Mario Brothers, Ballerina, Witch, and Zombie costumes. They come to the door with trepidation and call out “Trick or Treat”. I usually exclaim how cute they are as I put candy into their bags, baskets or pails. The little ones are prodded by the adult with them to say ‘Thank You.’ They smile and walk away from the door. They are not greedy and one piece of candy is enough for them.
I do mind the teenagers that come to the door demanding candy. They pound on the front door and yell loudly. These trick or treaters usually come to the door well past the bed time of the younger children. I’ve already turned off the porch light and locked the front door. Last year 3 or 4 came and pounded on the door at 9:30. I looked out through my dinning room and saw these very tall and certainly too old to be asking for free candy young men. They weren’t even in any sort of costume. Just carrying pillow cases, smoking and wearing camouflage clothing. Needless to say, I did not open my door. They eventually left but not before yelling some obscenities. I was just glad that they didn’t egg my house or anything. Whew.
Maybe this year I’ll just leave the candy in a bowl on a table outside the front door. Yes, I will miss the little ones as I’m sure they will miss the exclamations of surprise and the comments of “Oh My, you are so cute” and ‘What a great costume.” I will feel safer not opening my door. Too bad bullies and ruffians have spoiled yet another day.
What are your plans for this Halloween?
Let me know.
And parents even have to go out with the kiddies these nights. Major bummer.
Definitely. Halloween isn’t the fun holiday it used to be with these adult freeloaders coming around. No wonder there are razor blades in apples.