I recently went on a ‘Girls Weekend’ to Pompano Beach, Florida. We left on Thursday afternoon and arrived at the resort around 6:15 or so. Upon registration, we were given the option to attend a 90 minute PRESENTATION on either Friday or Saturday. The ‘gift’ for attending the presentation was a choice of:
A) $100 American Express gift card
B) 7 night stay at one of their resorts at no charge.
Hmmmm, my initial choice was the $100 gift card. I don’t really take week long vacations. Most of the time I go to visit my family in California. I’m not sure I would know what to do for a week at a resort. (Though, I’m sure that I would figure it out.) Yet, I opted for the 7 day stay instead.
I signed up for Friday morning at 8:30 am. Really, what was I thinking? I made coffee for myself and the girls and headed off to the ‘short’ presentation a brief walk across the parking lot.
I signed in, was given a name tag and asked to take a seat and told someone would be with me in a few minutes. Funny thing, while I waited, I tried to send a text message but there was no cell service inside the area for the presentation. My assigned person, Martin Martin greeted me and escorted me to the next room. I got some water as we were heading out.
The next room was laid out interestingly. Comfortable benches that could easily seat 2 people a side table to hold a few cups and a armed chair for the ‘greeter/agent’. A large screen at the front along with a podium for the speaker.
People began to straggle in and take their seats. Surprisingly, for a Friday morning at a resort, it was rather full. The speaker, John, walked to the front of the room and began his spiel . . .
“Free, Paid vacation any place in the world where would you go?“
People shouted out Italy, Paris, Bahamas, etc.
John went on to explain how we all need to take time to recharge and take advantage of our employee benefits and take vacations. If we were retired, even more reason to explore the world. This company could offer you a great way to travel for very little money.
Blah, Blah, Blah John went on.
I remained in the firm camp on NO. After the long presentation, Martin Martin (I’m not kidding, that was his name) escorted me to an intimate table for 3. One chair on one side of the round table and 2 chairs side by side on the other. The folder with my name on it was placed on the table.
Before Mr. Martin could begin I said: “I’m going to be honest, my answer is no. I am not buying a timeshare.”
“Okay, I just have a few questions that I need to fill out for my boss.” he replied.
Martin Martin went on to ask me how many vacations I take a year. I responded that I go to visit my children 2 times a year and that is it. I do not take vacations. and No, I will not be participating in your offer.
Back and forth we went.
No, No, No.
Martin then asked, “On a scale of 1 – 10, what is the importance of vacations to you?”
“A 1 or 2” I replied.
Surprised, he said “I have never had anyone give me such a low number before. Excuse me. I need to get my boss.”
He returned with a nice looking woman, Carol, who proceeded to question me as to my 1 or 2 response.
I reiterated that I was not interested and said NO again. Carol said thank you and left.
Martin suggested that I take a walk around the property. I said NO again as I was staying there and have seen the property and amenities offered.
At last he acquiesced and said “Thank you, I need you to check out with Carlos.”
I was now escorted to another table to meet Carlos. Another 15 minutes of me saying no. Finally I used a saying that seems to sum it all up . . .
With that said, Carlos showed me to the check out counter for my hard fought for 7 night/day certificate! 2 hours later! 10:30 I exited the building.
I’ll let you know when I use that certificate.
Frances Graziano Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved
We had a similar experience where George told them after 90 minutes he was a diabetic and had to go eat something and they brought out a bottle of Ensure and continued to question us!!
We will NEVER go to another timeshare sales pitch no matter what they offer for “free”.
You better use that certificate – you definitely earned it!!