Driving Divas

Road work is being done in areas near my home. There have been ‘traffic pattern changes’ as well as lowered speed limits. The normal speed limit on one of the streets is 45 miles per hour. It is now 35 mph.

I drive this particular road almost everyday. I know where the police cars park to catch the speeders. A favorite spot is just past a house in an empty field. Radar gun in hand they are able to nab many speeders in the morning. Later in the day, the police cars park on the other side behind some big bushes that partially camouflage their vehicle and easily stop a few more speedsters to meet their monthly quota. (I forgot, they don’t have one, wink wink)

Since the lanes narrow to only one in about a quarter of a mile, I tend to adhere to the speed limit plus or minus 3 to 4 mph while on this road. The Driving Divas behind me keep coming at around 55 or even 60 mph and finally grasp I’m not going any faster. They then pass me only to slam on the brakes as they approach the stop sign, off to the races they go and end up behind another driver going the speed limit 35mph.

These aren’t the only Divas encountered. I especially like the ‘weavers’. You know the type . .

They are behind you, then they pass you. Ooops, now they are behind another car, they squeeze back into your lane barely making it between the cars. They must be late because they continue to ‘weave’ back and forth inserting themselves into the lanes over and over again. In the end, they usually end up at the same red light as you only just a few cars ahead.

More Divas include . . .

The Tailgater: Traffic is slow and the guy behind you thinks that if he/she gets on your bumper, you might go faster! Just where are you supposed to go? As the traffic begins to ease and you are able to increase your speed, this Diva continues to hug your bumper. I have often been tempted to put some big cushions on the back of my car so that they can just push me and I don’t even need to use my gas. Just put it in neutral and coast!

Lost in the Left lane: Uh oh, they realize they need to go straight. Oh well, they just go straight disregarding anyone else around. Watch out everyone!

Right lane but I’m wrong: I’ve seen this maneuver a few times. Car is in the right lane with the turn signal on when they realize Oh, they need to turn LEFT! Yes, you guessed it. All the way from the right hand lane, a left turn!
Honorable mentions go to these Driving Divas

Snail paced drivers: No idea what the speed limit is but they’re top speed is 15 mph

LookyLoos or Swivel Heads: What’s that, look at that, wow, did you see that? They’re heads go right – left, left – right, back and forth but never to the front of the car in the direction the car is going!

Sunday Drivers: They are out everyday. Just out for a drive. To where? They have no idea.

Add your own honorable mentions or pet peeve driving faux pas to my list.

I, of course, am not a Driving Diva. Are you???

Frances Graziano Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved


2 thoughts on “Driving Divas

  1. I used to think this was a phenomenon exclusive to the Florida vacation crowd or the winter residents. Not shockingly it appears to be a nation wide movement.
    Makes me glad my driving days are now behind me.

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