Melbourne, Check that off my bucket list


   It has been a joy to spend time with my family; daughter, son-in-law, son, grandson and new grandson. Got to see friends, meet new ones and experience the Highs and Lows of Life. Enjoyed helping with bath time, bed time, packed lunches for preschool and generally all things young families do. My, how much I have forgotten since my kids were young. It is never ending.

Time to pack for my trip home. OMG! What did I buy and how am I going to fit all of this into my carry-on bags?  I know about the ‘rolling the clothing’ trick but the suitcase was pretty full when I left home. There is no way am I going to be able to add even  MORE stuff!

I go into the guest room and begin the process, doubtful that I will be successful with my packing. I purchased some new clothes and a pair of shoes. This is going to be very tricky. I begin.

Roll, Roll, pack, stuff, Roll some more. Things are looking promising. This might actually work. Roll, Roll, pack, stuff, rearrange and stuff more. I think this is going to work, surprise, surprise! I’m able to zip the case closed & I didn’t need to sit on it to do so. Oh crap. That darn new pair of shoes.

Okay, let me work on this some more. The other carry-on that I take has my laptop and iPad as well as personal items that I don’t want to check. If I put the shoes on the bottom and the other stuff on top, it might work. Yippee. Drat, my purse doesn’t fit. That will be a 3rd piece. I’ve seen other women with an extra bag/purse and they make it on the plane. I’m going to give it a shot!

Received an email with an opportunity to upgrade to First Class. Should I or shouldn’t I. Guess what, I took it. I have never EVER flown First Class so this will be an adventure and a treat! My upgrade even came with TSA pre-check! Awesome.

When I get to the TSA pre-check area, the agent says, “I see 3 items Ma’am. You will have to consolidate that.”

“Oh no, I don’t know if I can.” I tell her.

 “If it looks as if it is stuffed into your carry-on piece, I can’t stop you.”

I unzip the top of my carry-on, stuff the purse into it as much as I can and then throw my jacket and scarf over it. I get the okay to go through. Now, for the scanning process. Of course, I get to be the ‘randomly selected passenger’ to be patted down AND my computer needs to be further reviewed for some reason. Finally, at last, I’ve passed all of the hurdles and can now proceed to the gate.

Boarding is called and on I go with the other First Class Passengers. What an experience. The leg room is fantastic, the seat ultra comfortable and I can even put my purse on the floor and have plenty of room. First Class is truly amazing. The food is delicious, ‘real utensils’, my own blanket and pillow, earphones and an eye patch thing to block light if you want to sleep. Wow you certainly are pampered up here in the front of the plane.

I have a wonderful conversation with the passenger next to me. We discuss politics, showed pictures of kids, and finally, why we are on the plane. Me, going home. Him, business. As the journey continues and after the food is served, I sleep a bit and watch a little Television. What a wonderful flight.

Uh Oh. I spoke too soon. As we are nearing our destination, the captain announces that the airport has been closed due to bad weather. We are being diverted to Melbourne where we will get some more fuel and then head back after the weather clears. Eh? Say what?  Where the Hell is Melbourne? Florida  that is. It is on the East Coast, at about the same latitude as Tampa and north of Vero Beach.

We land and the Captain comes out to announce the plan. “Ladies and Gentleman, here’s what’s going on. Unfortunately, we can not fly any more as we have already been flying for 9 hours today.” Grumbling is heard from some passengers. “Yes, I’m not happy about it either. This messes up our plans as well. We will not be able to get another crew, so arrangements are being made to get buses here to drive us all back to Fort Lauderdale.”

Just then the older woman starts screaming “no, No NO.” and rushing up to the captain. She continues to yell at him. “No, No, this will not do. I am not being bused anywhere.” Blah, Blah, Blah

The captain is very nice and attempts to calm her down. I think we are all stunned that she did this. Why she wasn’t arrested I don’t know. She eventually goes back to her seat, complaining and mumbling all the way.

We are instructed to stay near the gate after getting off the plane and wait for further updates. Security officers are at the gate when we exit. The entire airport is empty. It is only 7:00pm. No more flights were scheduled to depart or land so they closed the airport before we got there. Therefore, even if a flight crew could get to the airport, there are no TSA agents to screen them. What a mess. It is really eerie to walk through an airport that is closed.

We are, at last, sent downstairs to baggage claim where the airline has arranged for numerous pizza’s to be delivered. Wow, they are devoured in no time. You’d think that these people haven’t eating in days instead of just a few hours.

    It is well after sundown and also the beginning of Yom Kippur. A large group of people traveling together are discussing if they can eat the pizza or not. They should be fasting and, after much debate they decide that circumstances are such that it is okay to have a piece of pizza. They take a group photo to commemorate the occasion. There they are, sitting and standing on the luggage carousel. One of the other passengers photo bombs them too.  The lady says, “I’ve flown cross country with you and consider myself part of the group. I want a picture.”

There are only a few people working at the Rental car companies but they don’t have any cars available. Passing by I hear more angry people badgering the workers. PEOPLE, Get a grip. It is NOT their fault.

We hear the announcement that the ‘buses’ have arrived. Buses? Uh, not so much. They are 15 passenger vans with trailers for the luggage. 3 vans are not  going to be enough for all of the people that were on the plane. More vans/buses are coming but it might be another hour or so before they arrive.

Some lady is trying to convince the driver of van number 1 to stop in Boca Raton. She lives there and doesn’t want to go all the way to Fort Lauderdale. The driver is actually considering it! Keep Walking, Keep Walking. Luckily, my companion from the plane and I are able to get onto the 2nd van.

OMG, from the sublime to the ridiculous. First class to sardine can. Two plus hours later, we arrive at the airport. I wait for the shuttle to my car. Ah, I get my car and ask where I can drive through for a cup coffee. Okay, I feel like everything is working out.

It is a long drive but, with the three hour time difference, I don’t notice it. My body thinks its only 9:00pm. That’s not too bad. Easy, peezy.

At last, I pull into my garage, unload the luggage and walk into my house at 2:20am. Wait, what do I hear?

chirp         chirp       chirp

A smoke detector, DAMN.
I’m tired.
As Scarlet Ohara said “Fiddle-dee-dee! I’ll think about that tomorrow.”  It’s always something.

chirp         chirp       chirp

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