Inquiry #357 “How old would you be . . .


My friends are of varied ages. My daughter says that I have an eclectic group of people around me. She is right. They range in age from twenties to nineties. There is a vast variety of knowledge and experience in this group and I am constantly amazed and awed by them all. Each brings a perspective that is enlightening and thoughtful.

So, to say that I don’t really notice age is a very apt statement. Which brings me to my Inquiry “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were.”

It struck me recently that not everyone has my same frame of reference. I say this because I was rather shocked the other day. I was speaking with a friend, and she mentioned her mother, I assumed (and we all know what happens when we assume. We make an Ass out of U and Me) that her mother was of a certain age. I could not have been more wrong.

Amanda’s mother-in-law passed away earlier this month which has started Amanda thinking about her own mother’s health. As we spoke, an image formed in my mind of a woman of a certain age. When I asked Amanda her mother’s age, she answered “Oh, she’s 72.”

That isn’t old in this day and age. Well, at least I don’t think so. As I was contemplating the age of 72, I realized that Amanda was probably in her early 50’s. I just hadn’t put an ‘age frame’ on her. As I was doing the math, realization hit me that her mother is just a few years older than my oldest sister AND Amanda was around the age of my oldest nephew.

Wow, this sent me down a path of ‘age framing’ my friends. I am both younger in some cases  and older in others and around the same age as many of my friends. Some think of me as a younger or older sister, aunt or mother.

I look upon them all as FRIENDS with no age in my mind. When one of my friend’s celebrated a birthday a few months ago.  I realized, WOW, she is of an age that she could be my daughter. Did that change my ‘view’ of her? In the moment, a little maybe but, only as a momentary thought.

So, back to my inquiry: How Old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?

My guess is that I would be in my mid 40’s. A good age. Children are nearing or in adulthood and more free time with a husband, wife or significant other. Job or career going well. Parents are still around and maybe a grandparent or two.

I urge you to consider the question. Keep whatever your ‘age frame’ of yourself in mind. Enjoy being the age you think you are not what the calendar says.

Happy new birthday!

3 thoughts on “Inquiry #357 “How old would you be . . .

  1. Hmmmm…… The number (or age) is not as important as remembering that even an old soul can be young at heart. That’s true of most of my dearest friends who also range from 20 – 90 years young:). HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR FRIEND!

  2. Happy Old and New Birthday! How insightful! I certainly don’t look it, but I feel like I have the energy and enthusiasm of someone in her late thirties.

  3. My mantra has always been, “It’s okay to get older, just don’t get old.” I feel, like you, to be in my 40’s. But, instead, I’d rather be a retired 40 year old, because I’m having so much fun being retired.

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